“Are we there yet” is the frequently asked question by millions of kids all over the world, with each of their moans having their parents ask themselves “ is this worth it when it comes to traveling with kids on vacation,” absolutely, yes it is worth it. Taking your kids on vacation is without a doubt one of the single most important activities you can do for your children. There is no substitute for the enormous impact that travel will have on your kids. There is a myriad of lessons and experiences that traveling will teach them just as they will teach you.
You Love Them
Taking your kids on vacation is one of the best ways to spend quality time with them, to bond with them. Taking them with you communicates to them their importance to you without words. That you are choosing to spend your most valued time with them, this makes them feel special and appreciated knowing that their parents want to join them on travels both nearby and abroad.
Celebrated Differences
It is a great opportunity for your kids not just to see but to experience first hand the differences that exist in the world, to not fear the differences but to celebrate them, to accept and cherish them as something that adds beauty and wonderment into our lives. That adds value, insight and opportunities to learn.
Confident Decision Making
Allowing even the smallest child to get involved in the planning of the itinerary - picking an activity, ice-cream parlor or restaurant for the whole family to attend gives them an immense sense of worth as well as teach them that there are consequences to their actions. It gives your children the confidences to make decisions moving forward.
Enhances Communication Ability
Traveling abroad although very exciting at the prospects of a new adventure can also be daunting. Traveling, especially for small children can be scary, with the countless new faces, spaces and places are around every corner with their only bit of familiarity and comfort coming from the only people they know; their parents, this forces them to communicate effectively and without hesitation about things they might feel, see or hear. This not only enhances their ability to communicate but also their range of things with which to communicate about.
Tolerance, Patient & Respect
Traveling can bring out the best and worst in people, and as every seasoned travel knows the key to being a successful traveler is flexibility, patience and a little respect. With delays, layovers, bus trips, flights, group decisions and adventurous tours the child has to learn that with so many external factors taking place around them they have to be patient and respect that things aren't going to go their way. No more “but mom I'm bored“ they will quickly learn self-reliance and how to combat boredom through learning tolerance, patience, and respect.
It's All New
Not only are the people and places wonderfully new and strange, but they also provide a host of teachable moments. As you are no longer in the comfort of your living space, you are unable to predict and prepare what is to come so you're faced with new lessons, values and insights about a wide range of things that you would have never been exposed to before.
There is no place like home - Children will quickly learn the value of their bed, their lives and all the wonderful things both big and small that they are lucky enough to call their own. Being abroad and seeing how others people live their lives will give them a newfound perspective on their own lives and the blessing that enrich them.
Traveling abroad with your kids is inevitably an eye-opening experience for them ( as well as you) Seeing how other people live and learn and how to appreciate the blessings and gifts of our own lives, this is one of the most valuable lessons that travel can provide. It is your job to ensure that your children experience all the of the world you can offer them. That through this they can recognize the world as a community, as their community that they can better and grow. With every trip, you can turn into a lesson in history, religion, culture, community, gratitude and self-worth.